Elizabeth Randolf Sand Diego USA

I would like to express how much MDG Intl and Phil Ross, personally, have given me my life back. Although my life on the outside has not been devoid of accomplishments – I have been very athletic and completed several academic degrees

Tony and Dee Becker – United Kingdom Directors

tonyAs I write this testimonial, I’m sitting on my yacht in Cowes Marina on the beautiful Isle of Wight. If someone had told me just nine years ago that I would have a yacht, a successful business and a wonderful wife, who I met on the Hovercraft whilst commuting to the office, I would have said ‘no way -you’re barking mad!!’. So what happened you may well ask. Fifteen years ago, after a particularly bad period in my life where I experienced bankruptcy and a divorce, I was introduced by a friend to the Master Key System and I subsequently met Phil Ross, founder of Soul Destiny, at a three-day workshop in Hilton Head, California. I ordered the SD1 Soul Destiny home study course on a 14-day money back guarantee so I had nothing to lose. I soon realised that this was something special and as I started applying the teachings and techniques, I quickly saw where I was going wrong. I started to change and improve the way I was thinking and pretty soon events and other things started to attract to me. The biggest improvements came after the three-day, multi-sensory, multimedia workshop because it brings the home study course and the Soul Destiny one-day workshop into reality and you are able to see the bigger picture. It really helps you look at where your life has been and where you want to go with it. I’m sure that like me you will find that Soul Destiny is your own personal Soul Destiny. Everybody takes something different from it because we are all different and unique. When Phil recently told me that he wanted to launch Soul Destiny The Master Key System in the UK I just had to get involved! I would like to get this into as many people’s hands as possible. In fact, I believe it’s something that should taught from an early age. I would highly recommend you get The Master Key SD1 home study course . With a money back guarantee you have nothing to lose but everything to gain and you can quickly start your own journey to find your Soul Destiny.

Carolyn Hastie, Brisbane, Australia

Testimonials SD III, II and SD I

Carol HastieGood talking with you today. As always 🙂 SD1 testimonial I have tended to float along and let life happen, being bumped from side to side, changing direction according to disasters or other events, wondering why I had so many ‘log jams’, rock based rapids and crash landings in the river of my life! The course has helped me get to the bottom line. It has taught me that what I felt was true about myself has affected how I think. How what I thought affected what I noticed and focused upon, and then how life has unfolded for me as a result of my self limiting mindset. The course showed and is showing me how to identify my own unhelpful patterns and beliefs and change my deeply held core beliefs to ones that create, support and enliven my ideals and my life’s journey. It is also helping me to set and achieve short and long term goals. SD2 The three days of SD III were a gentle, yet deeply transformative process for me. I enjoyed and appreciated the people, the exercises, the images, the sounds, the information and the experiences. It wasn’t always comfortable, but the exercises and information provided me with a pathway of choice to either move forward or stay with unhelpful self deluding patterns of behaviour. I have many, many tender moment memories. The kindness and respect I experienced from each of the participants and facilitators provide me with a model of how human society can be when each person is willing to take total responsability for their behaviour, learning and experiences. I can see that continual growth and development is a profound and irresistible part of the human condition. MDG and the Success Engineering System is one way, a deep, lasting and vital way of satisfying and addressing that human need for growth. I have been searching for a very long time for some way of satisfying the deep yearning within myself. I have done many different activities and courses. Each time, although I have come away with useful tools and understandings, I always felt like something was missing. This is the first time I have come away knowing there is more and that I have found a key to the ever deepening mystery of who I am and what I am here for. As a result of the SD2 experience, I have been able to fully appreciate the layers of understanding and development that are part and parcel of the human journey. I am very grateful to all the participants and the facilitators for a rich, wonderful experience and I am delighted to be on this supportive journey of discovery and self management. love, Carolyn

Lloyd Burchmore UK

loyedHere to be of service After the recent death of my long term life partner, I was is in a bit of a void not knowing where or what I wished to do. As the Cheshire Cat says in Alice in Wonderland, “If you don’t know where you are going any road will get you there.” But the Universe came to my rescue predictably; On receiving a copy of Soul Destiny and taking my time to work through the manuals, exercises and meditations, I have manifested a completely new life for myself by attracting not only wonderful people but scenarios from friends providing and paying for a new car to a small change but considerably more valuable, that of happiness and well being. I strongly recommend that everyone should get a copy of Soul Destiny and allow the Universe to transform your lives and become part of the global expansion of likeminded people sharing a common goal of helping others As I always say, “If you want happiness in your life, help all those around you to be happy.” And guess what
 LLoyd 0044 1256 767 884 0044 7825 177 474 Skype Name – LLoydavid

Jennifer, New York New York

“There is something magical that happens” The coursework itself is based on natural laws and principles that I have believed in for many years, and yet there is a huge difference between having an intellectual understanding of these concepts and actually living them – this is where the mentoring system is so incredibly valuable. I have been involved with other personal development courses, and some of them are excellent. To me the greatest difference between the MDG “success engineering” system and other courses is that here our focus on YOU, the individual. The Soul Destiny goal is nothing less than help you find and fulfil your “Soul Destiny” … whether that involves selling MDG products or not. Having said that, the systems used in our business opportunity are so simple and easy to duplicate that anyone with true passion for improving their life in a material sense can earn the sort of income that gives you the financial freedom to pursue your dreams and humanitarian goals. I cannot recommend MDG highly enough. Jennifer New York New York

Faye Rod, Queensland, Australia

Just a note to let you know I am still engrossed in the Course and nothing is troubling me at all. For the time being I just want to listen to the CD’s as much as possible and absorb the contents while practicing the instructions. There is no doubt it works, but, amazing that others do not seem to think they need something like this to give them fulfillment in life. Maybe it is just me !!!! At any rate I am very satisfied with the Course. Best regards Faye Rod

Chad and Suzanne, Sydney Australia

To: Phil Ross & The MDG Team. Dear Phil, I just had to drop you a line to explain how MDG’s Soul Destiny home-study course has changed my life forever. I started the Master Key just over 6 months ago, having met Elizabeth. Since then what has happened has been nothing short of miraculous to me. Your statement in Discovery “You need not sacrifice anything”, hit me extremely hard. Please let me explain what the knock-on effect has been. In the beginning, I progressed slowly and found the course to be a great burden mentally. That’s when I knew I was on to something. Elizabeth was a terrific help until ‘the light went on’, so to speak. Since then I have cruised increasingly effortlessly. What was challenging eventually became enjoyable, and ultimately central to all aspects of my life. I rely on my new found talents every day! So what about the results? Well, apart from the fact that I enjoy reflecting, I have experienced the value that this powerful daily ritual produces. I am now extremely centred and in touch with myself, my wife, and my goals. All senses are peaked, and I seem to move through life much easier than before, and with an unusual level of excitement. People around me have definitely noticed the difference
 In a practical sense, I have made my weekly schedule more harmonious, and the degree of clarity with which I have found has improved my business efforts by at least 200%! I am not afraid of success anymore, nor am I afraid of failure. My strides forward are getting bigger every day. I possess a certain grace and energy that comes with greater understanding. Plus, my total imaginable wealth must be 4-5 times greater, increasing every day. I attempted the life’s purpose exercise before starting the Master Key, and again after finishing. I have achieved a greater belief in abundance and have taken responsibility for being of service and sharing my wealth with others. My focus is directed more toward others, but not at the expense of myself. In the future, I will be one of Australia’s best-selling writers, a goal that simply had not manifested 24 weeks ago. I’m sure you can imagine how it feels to understand why every experience in life has brought me to this point! Of course, a few things still need work, but I have the knowledge and desire to deal with them internally, at my own pace. On finishing, I was concerned that the journey had come to and end. The fact that I was disappointed reflects how much I had enjoyed exploring myself. Since then, however, I have come to appreciate how the journey has only just begun… Like all good journeys, the ride wasn’t smooth. I took forced breaks some weeks because I was sometimes experiencing physical symptoms until I ‘got it’ that week. This convinces me that the changes I made were fundamental, important, and most importantly – permanent. I now ask for and get what I want, and my enthusiasm rubs off on everyone I met. But most importantly, I have succeeded in eradicating the greatest disservice to my family– that of not taking action. If the test of commitment is action, then my commitment is larger than life! And that is a difference worth striving for. Please share my story with the world, for I cannot express my gratitude in any other way. Your course is priceless, and I am grateful for the opportunity to improve. Yours in abundance. Date Feb 12 2002 Dear Suzanne & Chas,

Roberto Fabricio, Miami Florida USA 

“One day can make a difference” I have been looking inwardly for years, searching for meaning and coherence in a life that has been lived fully but that at times has not been satisfying despite a plethora of rich experiences and of good people. In months prior to the Soul Destiny experience I had begun to decipher the elements that had been missing from my life. Or rather, to understand the reasons that despite a good deal of intelligence, education and desire to find happiness, things were not moving forward in my life. But that rich crop of new introspection was growing in patches that oftentimes were not connected. At the Soul Destiny day I was able to fly at the proverbial 40,000 feet and see the full picture. One day can make a difference. And for me, it did.

Adam Hudson

Former business associate Adam Hudson acknowledges Phil Ross and this material as a critical factor to his multimillion dollar success. Note from Phil Ross- During my 8 years with this course material I have witnessed many people who have had the courage to discover and follow their life path.

Carolyn Hastie

I have been searching for a long time to find something that would help me make my life better than what I was achieving. I looked at others whose life I liked and wondered what did they do differently to me. The Soul Destiny home study course has shown me clearly what is needed.

Leslie Fieger — President, Learning Frontier Technologies Inc.

“I first met Phil Ross in 1995 during the genesis of DELFIN International Inc. I was immediately impressed with his quiet confidence. Over the next several years, I worked closely together with Phil and profited enormously from the relationship. My business prospered in those years. A great deal of that success came as a result of Phil’s efforts and coaching. Phil is a highly skilled coach. At times, I did not even know that he was teaching me. That is a measure of how gentle, subtle and effective he is as he works toward your success. I have come to consider Phil as both a friend and a mentor. He applauded my successes. He ignored my excesses. He stood with me through tough times, quiet, assured and reassuring. I doubt that I would have been able to create a multimillion dollar, multinational company without Phil’s assistance. My advice: take his advice; join in his ventures; read and apply his writings and consider yourself lucky to be associated with him. I was fortunate to receive copies of the first editions of the Soul Destiny books. They are a treasured addition to my library. More, they are a treasured edition to my life’s journey. They are, like Phil himself, full of gentle and timeless wisdom and almost guaranteed to ensure your success in life.”